ebook guide to the Irish impact on sports around the world
The Irish World of Sport is a guide to the Irish impact on sports around the world. Irish born and people of Irish heritage have made an incredible impact on sports. The ebook captures the Irish contribution across 33 sports from American football to wrestling. From Joseph Carr who laid the foundation for the NFL to early wrestling superstars such as James Hiram McLaughlin. From the emerald age of baseball to being at the heart of ice hockey. From ground breakers in rugby union and rugby league to pioneering soccer coaches. This book captures the immense Irish contribution. The book tells the tale of iconic legends and forgotten heroes, all connected by their Irish roots. The ebook also highlights teams and the importance of Irish identity to many teams in many different sports from the famous Notre Dame Fighting Irish to Aussie Rules teams in the Australian outback.Teams with Irish names such as Shamrocks, St. Patricks, Celtic, and Hibernians enjoyed success across sports.
The importance of the Irish to different sports cannot be underestimated. In the mid to late 1800s, hundreds of thousands of Irish emigrated from the island while at the same time sports around the world were becoming codified and organised. Irish people, either first generation or second/third generation were getting involved in these new sports. For many Irish there was of course just a pure love of sport, playing the game and competing but many also saw the opportunity and potential that these sports could offer them. The Irish helped mould many sports and were leading participants in their formative days. This involvement gives the Irish a special place in the history of many sports.
The ebook is broken out into 350 profiles of teams and people supported by a short summary of their achievements and a photograph. The ebook has an easy to read format that will engage readers. The author hopes that this ebook will be the starting point for readers to continue their journey through more detailed books on subjects that interest them.
The author Samuel Kingston is from Clonakilty, west Cork.
If you wish to contact Sam with historical suggestions, or with feedback on the book, please email: theirishworldofsport[at]gmail[dot]com